Smart Picks

Food Pyramid Bingo

Board Game
8-12 yr

The goal of this project is to help children develop an awareness of eating healthy. This game and activity will help them understand the value of good nutrition. The developer of this program is a dietitian, Kathleen Stefancin, MS RD, and Food Pyramid Bingo, was given an award by the American Dietetic Association. Food Pyramid Bingo is created to offer fun and learning about food groups, healthy food choices, portion sizes, and other aspects. Children like playing the game and it helps them to learn about good nutrition while they're having fun. The summertime is a great time for children to become more aware of eating healthy especially since there are more fruits and vegetables available. This is a good time to expand your child's awareness of good nutrition. There are 30 laminated bingo cards, 95 picture squares, a chart, 600 markers and directions. It can be played from 2 to 30 players. It takes anywhere from 6 to 8 minutes to play the game.

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