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Astro-logix Design Astro-logix
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Astro-logix Design


Construction Toy
Creative Product
Educational Skills Product
0044 (0) 117 9046768

This is a new, innovative three-dimensional geometry construction product. The hubs stack together and you can form multi-layered shapes. The connections or spigots can be bent up or down to any angle. The plastic tubes are fixed onto the spigots and the tubes come in a variety of lengths and colors including glow in the dark. This is a very versatile product that can be mixed and matched from simple to more complex. The solar system is the basic kit that glows in the dark, has three types of hubs and all of the components are provided in a container with good directions. The shapes can be stars, polyhedrons, UFO's, helixes and many more. The website: gives more ideas and information on how to have fun with this product.

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