First Wave / Fundamentals DVD (Volume 1)

First Wave

Fundamentals DVD (Volume 1)

6 m - 4 y
Educational Skills
Video Tape

This is a unique video series that was developed by a mother daughter team. It will help your baby and young child with language, speech and math. It features a delightful combination of fun and learning that inspires language and will help children to speak clearly. Babies have a tremendous ability to comprehend and process information when it is presented in an easy-to-understand manner. This video has the basic tools for your child to make sense of their world. It introduces shapes and their respective motion. It includes letters, numbers, quantity, colors, the body, opposites, verbs, prepositions, music and more. This is an excellent video for you to watch with your baby. Repetition and familiarity will lead to interest and curiosity. When reinforced in a one-on-one manner, these concepts will empower your child with useful information and tools to be used for daily and future references.

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