Jocapa Products / Birthday Gamesake®

Jocapa Products

Birthday Gamesake®

Age Range:
6 - 12
Phone Number:
Arts & Crafts
Active Toy
Board Game
Educational Skills

This fun game can be created and played in many different situations. The idea behind the game is that friends and family make a board game for the birthday celebrant by writing their favorite memories on enclosed gift cards. Players begin the game on the bassinet of the birthday honoree and race to the cake. Roll a die and move your pawn along the board. If you land on a "gift" you must read the memory on the gift card and follow the command (roll again, go ahead 3, skip a turn), but 100 cards leave the directional command blank to encourage creativity. The board contains generic destinations in life--a house, mountains, beach, school, etc--that are intended to be personalized. For example, a house could be a friend or relative's house as well as the birthday honoree's house. This is a game that everyone will enjoy because it will take you on a journey through your memories. This is a great tool to foster confidence as well as communication and writing skills.

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